Network Accelerator
Network management as dodgeball
Network management can feel like a game of dodgeball – or at least the part where lots of rubber balls are coming straight at you from all directions and you have to respond or get knocked out of the game.
As a network manager, lots of balls are headed in your direction at all times. You’ve got your members and maybe other stakeholders or partners to engage, connect, and communicate with. They all have their own needs and interests. You have activities to define, design, coordinate, and complete. You have to embody shared values, handle interpersonal dynamics, and facilitate collaborative decision-making.
But network management doesn’t have to feel like a high-stress, always-on game.
What if instead, you could…
● Efficiently problem-solve by leveraging advice from network experts with decades of experience.
● Integrate innovative experiences and examples from networks and network managers around the world into your own practice.
● Cut through the noise by being gently guided through concepts that are critical to your work.
● Not just drink from a firehose of information but find the specific ideas you need and make meaning out of them to apply in your network.
● Making time for reflection that creates space and opportunity for you to take new approaches to managing your network and managing yourself.
● Surround yourself with a community of like-minded colleagues who understand what you’re going through and are there to help.
● Operate in a mental and emotional space that feels abundant, compassionate, and reassuring.
In other words, you’re thriving.
Vitamins and painkillers
How can you thrive?
You need to be able to both respond to immediate needs and prepare for longer-term challenges and ambitions.
You need painkillers to respond to the here and now and vitamins to give you a longer-term boost.
With the right combination, you can ease the stress and pressure, gain clarity, and operate with greater intentionality.
We’ve got your all-access pass to thriving. Learn more.
Your 1st month of the monthly Individual tier is FREE when you sign up!